Resources for Information Technology




Learning resources 

•  Read the Frequently asked questions section.

•  Learn basic work levels (requisite organization) concepts by taking six hours of e-learning.  This requires a one-year subscription to the web-site or is included in your registration for the conference.

•  Read the GO book chapter - at the end - about how CEOs can learn - please get title and find article and link to it.

•  Scan and read the books, videos etc below as they suit your interst.

•  Attend our next world conference in New York City, July 31 to August 5th, 2014, Designing the Smarter Organization.  There is a 2.5 day clinic, an all day workshop, and other presentations and concurrent workshops of special interest to non-profit executives and board members.








Ben Farrell & Ben Haigh of Bee Squared share their perspective on the best strategies for implementing improvements in your IT organization. 


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Bank thumbnail

Case Study

Paul Tremlett of COREinternational sheds light on redesigning a Major Bank's Information Technology Function. 


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Zandy Reinshagen, former CIO SACU presents Organizational Progression as it relates to IT.  



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Achieving the Information Technology Promise Using Work Levels as the Framework

Piet L. Calitz


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CIO: Chief Information Officer or Career Is Over?

Paul McDowell


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Paul McDowell, a senior IT executive with years of experience in a variety of major corporations, shows how a lack of appreciation for levels of work and levels of complexity can cause serious long-term consequences for the IT function in an organization. His article makes a conceptual presentation, and then details a real-life experience that affected the strategic success of an organization. 





Designing Effective IT Teams and Organization 

Sergey Ivanov, Ph. D. 



This research investigates the phenomenon of universal effective management (including information technology teams and organizations) as explained by the Requisite Organization theory. The concept of effective management is expressed through the concept of Optimum Manager-Subordinate Relationship (OMSR). The phenomenon of Optimum Manager-Subordinate Relationship, in effect, constitutes the effective managerial relationship in the managerial hierarchy according to the Requisite Organization theory, and constitutes the concept of effective management.






Tripartite Approach to Enterprise Architecture

Janne J. Korhonen & Jouko Poutanen

  Tripartite Image Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nulla lacus, elementum suscipit mollis at, ultricies quis neque. Donec et nibh dictum, blandit ex in, fringilla lacus. .Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nulla lacus, elementum suscipit mollis at, ultricies quis neque. Donec et nibh dictum, blandit ex in, fringilla lacus. 







Recommendations for the Practical Use of Eliott Jaques' Organizational and Social Theories in the Information Technology Field

Sergey Ivanov, Ph. D. 

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nulla lacus, elementum suscipit mollis at, ultricies quis neque. Donec et nibh dictum, blandit ex in, fringilla lacus. .Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi nulla lacus, elementum suscipit mollis at, ultricies quis neque. Donec et nibh dictum, blandit ex in, fringilla lacus. 















Janne Korhonen



Ben Farrell & Ben Haigh











Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Ron Capelle is unique in his multiple professional certifications, his implementation of RO concepts through well designed organization development methods, and his research documenting the effectiveness of his firm's interventions
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design
Requisite Organization International Institute distributes Elliott Jaques's books, papers, and videos and provides RO-based training to client organizations