Career Path Appreciation as a Cognitive Measurement Method

- Jillian Stamp developed Career Path Appreciation in 1947. More than 40,000 interviews have been completed globally. The MCPA was developed in 1982. It's a computerized version of the CPA. The outputs are very similar capability, potential and flow.
- Bias operates under global standards that are maintained centrally by the BIOS Operating Committee. Formal training is given to the practitioners. One to one feedback is given with every single tool. The hard work is making sure we give the person every opportunity to display their approach to work.

Speaker A Understanding that knowledge is one of the tools, it's not the work itself. You have to use knowledge and judgment in action. Um, Jillian Stamp. I've put a timeline at the top here. LH oxide...

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Speaker A Understanding that knowledge is one of the tools, it's not the work itself. You have to use knowledge and judgment in action. Um, Jillian Stamp. I've put a timeline at the top here. LH oxide in 1947, the Glacier Project, et cetera. This is where Jillian Stamp came in. In 1947, she joined the Brunell Institute of Organizational Social Studies and to research processes of assessing capability. And so she developed the Career Path Appreciation along with the Simulcard task. And there we go through work history, we go through the Simil Tower task. We look at responses to nine sets of phrases that are triggers to elicit the person's response to work, how they go about doing what they do. The output is current capability. So what does a person do when they don't know what to do, when knowledge and experience doesn't suffice anymore and looks at potential, which is future capability, and looks at a sense of flow between current capability and the challenge of the job? Are they in sync? Are they in flow? Are they energized by the work that they're doing? And looks at decision style? In 2007. More than 40,000 interviews have been completed globally, and that includes China, India, South Africa, Brazil, Colombia, North America, UK, Europe, Cyprus little trip. I've let any out. So the predictive validity has been confirmed up to 15 years. Post the initial interview that was done. CPA has been independently validated in 1989 by the US Army Research Institute. At that point, the technical director was Edgar Johnson, and he basically looked at lower and middle level managers in a number of different companies and settings from a period of six years to 14 years and came up with that it was a remarkably high predictive validities obtained in the research and that it supports the contention that potential for development beyond the low and middle levels of an organization risks largely in conceptual ability. The MCPA was developed in 1982. It's a computerized version of the CPA. The responses are captured via computer and then a one to one interview is held to confirm the responses and to go through the work history. The outputs are very similar capability, potential and flow. And about 7000 MCPAs have been completed globally. That's the output for the MCPA. This would be the current capability and this would be the career path with the potential final potential. And one can click when the transitions are happening. In this case, at 41 is transition between four and five and 59 as a transition between five and six. Similarly, CPA, if you're using it in the context of individual development plans and fitting that into your talent management process, this individual had early technical problem solving and specialist roles. Moved into manager of the Technical Operations group. At this point, the CPA was done identifying huge potential LinkedIn. There was this potential if this is the work in red linked to the succession planning, which identified a shortage of managers at a director level, at a level five in ten years time. And basically this gap was then bridged with orchestrated management development roles and different functions, plus well chosen education. One can look at the team, the department or the whole organization and map that on the graph and look at it currently. And then you can project that forward 510, 15 years, however long you want to want to do. Okay, so we talked about values yesterday, but bias is values that underpin that. Our whole process is we share a common state of ethics. It's respect and support for the individuals, the organization and the society. We believe in listening to and respecting the integrity of individuals, all clients and individuals. We believe in an appreciative and developmental approach to our work and the whole aspect of personal responsibility. So if values guide our principles here and our standards bias operates under global standards that are maintained centrally by the BIOS Operating Committee. There's a preselection of our practitioners. They have to be operating at it currently at a level four with a mode five so that they can identify people with potential above their level of potential. Formal training is given to the practitioners. That is confirmed by supervised practice. So we have to see that applied effectively before the individual is accredited. Trainers have ten plus experience in a global context. There's mandatory refresher training that's required. One to one feedback is given with every single tool. Time is up, but can you in just 1 minute describe the method itself? Okay, yeah, it's a guided conversation. So we would sit with an individual that is in front of us with the phrase cards and each the nine sets of phrase cards with six statements about work on each phrase. And they will choose the phrase that best describes their approach to work. Like, I like working with a complete set of instructions. Two, I like to define the horizons of the work so you can see how the complexity moves from declarative all the way up to maybe parallel processing, et cetera. So depending on how they answer that question, we would listen to almost putting our feet in their shoes and walking around in them and seeing how it feels. So the hard work is making sure we give the person every opportunity to display their approach to work. We also ask the work related examples so that it's embedded in the world of work and we can see if that has moved beyond the ability to think into action. Can I actually apply this? So that's really important. Okay.

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Louise Stratford
BIOSS North America Inc.
BIOSS North America Inc.
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Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

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Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
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A Sweden-based consultancy, Enhancer practices time-span based analysis, executive assessment, and provides due diligence diagnosis to investors on acquisitions.
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design
Requisite Organization International Institute distributes Elliott Jaques's books, papers, and videos and provides RO-based training to client organizations